


Currently a Product Manager at Microsoft @ Azure Engineering Systems.

  • Currently developing an ML Model to automatically classify 20K Sev1, Sev2, Sev3 defects. Identified features expected to improve accuracy by 15%.

  • Led a 20+ team to prevent 12h Azure outages and improved security coverage by 70%.

  • Designed and expanded code analysis in the Pull Request, reducing time to deliver analysis feedback from 45-60d to 1h. Projected to save Microsoft $55 million+. Presented to Cloud + AI Leaders and received organization wide recognition.



At Visa I interned as a product manager on the Digital Payment Product Commercialization team. I was tasked with finding the necessary tools and acceptance materials to accelerate the adoption of Visa Secure Remote Commerce.


Prognos AI

I joined a 3 person team within the Engineering division to work on a project that uses lab data to generate a Group Health UW Risk Score, with the goal of augmenting manual health insurance underwriting processes.